Knit to Flatter Worksheet

March 30, 2015 § 4 Comments

After five years of radio silence… I’m still not coming back to blogging about knitting. Or maybe I am! Who knows! The world is a mysterious place!

The point being, I’ve got something to share, and this is probably the easiest way to do that.

I got Amy Herzog’s fantastic book Knit to Flatter two Christmases ago, and then I did… nothing with it. I don’t even know. I looked at the patterns and loved them, but although I measured myself at the time and filled in the worksheet, I guess it just wasn’t a very sweater-y period in my life. Which is just as well, because I lost a bunch of weight, as I discovered when I unearthed the book recently. Plus, I couldn’t be bothered to do the math every. Single. Time.

So I made the math for always. And let me tell you, suddenly the sweaters I made started fitting perfectly. The world is a mysterious place.


So without further ado, here is the Excel version of the Knit to Flatter chapter 1 worksheet, except that this version calculates your stitch and row count for you, and has a couple of Elizabeth Zimmermann percentages that I use all the time. Just take a measuring tape to yourself and your gauge swatch, plug the numbers into the yellow fields, and knit away!

[Right-click, save link as!]

(For y’all Americans out there, just toggle to the second sheet for a version that uses inches.)

I guess this is a good time to mention that I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with Amy Herzog, that I make no profit off this, and that you should definitely buy her book for the excellent advice and beautiful patterns. I just don’t see why other people should have to do the math when I’ve already done it.


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§ 4 Responses to Knit to Flatter Worksheet

  • ClaH says:

    Vielen Danke!
    Ps: if you are still in Leipzig I am there until May, we could meet and knit! Clara

  • wollphilie says:

    Hey Clara!

    Sorry, I moved to Norway about two years ago. But if you’re ever in Oslo, hit me up!

  • Leslie W says:

    Just ran into this post and wanted to say thank you. I was just getting ready to make up a spreadsheet but now I don’t have to. You have saved me a bit of time!

  • Jen Dryburgh says:

    Thank you for this! I was trying to figure out how best to use the chart in my kindle version of Fit to Flatter when Google showed me your blog post. Thank you for doing the math. I was reasonably certain someone had already done it. :-)

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